Monday, June 30, 2008

Funny Freckles in Black & White

Some of my friends are emailing back and forth funny things their children say. I love reading them. It gets me thinking, "do my kids ever say anything funny?" Then I think, "everything they say is funny!" Anyway, here are a couple good ones:

My oldest who is almost 8:

We've been watching the old Star Wars movies with him and getting out all of the old school action figures. I was telling him about one of the movies we hadn't watched together yet. I was so excited to talk with him about something that I was also interested in. Halfway through the conversation, he looks up at me and says, "Mom, were you alive in the gray and white?" Translation: Were you alive when there was no color in the world and everything was black and white?

My five year old daughter:

We were outside playing and she was sitting in the grass. Some little gnats were flying around and landing on her and then taking off again. She said to me, "Hey, one of my freckles is flying around!!".

Too cute!


Unknown said...

I remember you telling me about the freckles. You're right. That's one of the cutest things ever. But the black and white? That's amazing. I love it so much. You should make a page with those quotes and just random pics of them during this time of their lives. That would be precious.

I hope you had a great Fourth! Eva said it was the most fun she'd ever had in her whole life! :-)

Love ya! Sniz

Wani said...

Your kids do say the funniest stuff! They're such cuties! I remember loving having Mason and Jeremy in Sunday School. They're so funny together.

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

I wish some of my unsightly skin marks would fly off. I'd run away from them.