Friday, June 20, 2008

On Butterflies and Birds

In one of my earliest posts, I made mention of a mental list I keep of questions that I will ask God when I get to Heaven. I thought of a new one the other day when my son was giving me the butterfly tutorial. His first grade class raised "Painted Lady" butterflies from eggs. I was at school the day they released the new creations. It was so cool to see these butterflies whirl around and land on one of the kids noses. They all giggled with glee. God is so creative. My son was telling me all about these butterflies on the way home. He informed me that these butterflies are poisonous to birds. If the birds eat them, they will die. This got me thinking (lookout!). This is pretty much a lose-lose situation. The butterfly gets eaten, the bird dies. There are no survivors to warn others of the impending danger. I imagined in my mind a Gary Larson cartoon (The Far Side) of birds standing around looking at a warning poster with a bird with x's over his eyes laying under a half eaten butterfly. So this question really is on behalf of my son and his concern for the birds. How do birds know not to eat the butterflies?


Big Doofus (Roger) said...

This is a good question. I have another one related to our fine feathered friends. Why is it that they sometimes fly into my garage via the great big garage door but cannot figure out how to get out? It seems like all they can see is up--which consists of a little bit of wall above the door and the ceiling. The biggest bird offender in this category is the ruby-throated hummingbird. I've had to catch several of them with my home-made net just to get them out.

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting on the cartoon you said you were going to put with this one!