Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bedtime Prayers

I love to listen to my daughter pray. She is my only child who likes to pray "with words". Meaning she likes to pray out loud. My oldest likes to pray "without words" because God knows what he's thinking. My daughter holds nothing back when she prays. This was her prayer tonight: "Dear Lord, Thank you for this day. Please keep us safe from the lightning. Please love us. Please, please help us. Please help my Mommy and Daddy to be nice. In Jesus name, Amen." After she finished, I asked her, "Do you think that Mommy and Daddy are mean?" She replied, "Sometimes. And sometimes your nice." If you want the truth, ask a five year old.


Big Doofus (Roger) said...

This is SO true. If you ever want to find out what's going on in the homes of your church members just have a prayer request time with your little ones in children's church or Sunday school. You find out all kinds of interesting stuff--with the perspective of a child, of course.

Wani said...

I'm glad I'm not the only "mean" mommy. I love listening to their prayers! Its so cool to see their relationship with God developing. Nate has a couple of bible verses memorized and its so cool to be a part of helping to write the Word on his heart!