Monday, October 20, 2008


Has anyone ever received a gift for your child that is age inappropriate? My son received a board game for his third birthday that said on the box "ages 6 &up" . We put it up in the top of his closet hoping he wouldn't notice. That boy looked longingly up into the top of that closet for three years! "Why can't I play this game?" "When can I play this game?" Finally, the long awaited 6th birthday arrives. Boy gets to play game. Wouldn't you know it? It was a regift! Half of the marbles were gone! We could not play the game! Isn't that life sometimes? We put our hopes in something other than God. "This will make me happy." " If only I could do this, then I'd be fulfilled!" Only to be letdown when we finally get what we coveted. Oh, and by the way, the game was "Aggravation".


Wani said...

geez... don't people know there are rules to regifting?!? Seriously!!

Unknown said...

I'm with Wani! Geeze! Poor Mason. Good tie-in with our spiritual life! You should mention that to Dad. I know he'd appreciate it.

BTW, how are you feeling these days? We've missed you!!!

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

Andrea: Do you know where our old Aggravation game is? I borrowed some marbles from it and need to put them back.