Friday, March 14, 2008

Replace All Divots

In an effort to save a little money, I decided that I would try my hand at shaping my own eyebrows. (For those of you who see me in person, resist the urge to stare and go on about your business!) While preparing my little "kit", my daughter asks me, "Mommy, what is that?
"It's wax, dear."
"Well, what's it for?"
"It's so mommy can fix her eyebrows so it doesn't look like there are two fuzzy caterpillars crawling above my eyes." (Humor is lost on children, or so I thought)
"Well, it looks like there are and they're gonna kiss!"

Can you say "Unibrow"?


Unknown said...

HAHAHA! You DO NOT have a unibrow!!! That girl of yours...she's something. :-)

Wani said...

Oh man... thats great! I would bet money that your brows (which I wish I'd have taken notice of this morning) are nothing to mine(preplucked)!

kikipoo said...

Girl, you really are hilarious. Your eyebrows are not a thing to try to save money on. One slip of the wax wand and you could end up with no eyebrows. And just think of what Corinne would have to say about that. And then, there is the chance that neither your oldest or middle child would ever forget the time Mommy ended up with no eyebrows, and would never fail to remind you at the most opportune time for the rest of your life. Never forget, CHILDREN REMEMBER ALL THE EMBARASSING THINGS and normally bring them up in a crowd.

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

I will do my best NOT to stare at your eyebrows the next time I see you at church or care group.

It's funny how when we get older we have to deal with this. I remember getting a haircut recently and the stylist trimmed by eyebrows. I had never had that done before and wonder if she was accidentally shaving them off.

jan said...

Unibrow! What a character.
Kids are so good for our self-image, aren't they? Sometimes they're just too darn honest.
No! Don't take that wrong! I'm not talking about your eyebrows at all. Every time I see you I just think about what a lovely face you have. :-) I'm thinking about kids' honesty in general. It takes years and years before they learn that certain things are better left un-said!

Unknown said...

I left you an award at my place. Come pick it up anytime!

Unknown said...

Nice to hear from you! Hey, when you gonna show us another slice of your "unibrow" reality?

Unknown said...

When are you going to regal us with another funny story? I miss you!

Unknown said...

I'm not stalking you...really I'm not. I hadn't realized I had put so many comments on here. I'm sorry! Just ignore me!