Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Listening and Obeying

I've been having some bad days lately. But who hasn't, right? Well, I just feel like God is calling me to so many things at one time that I'm completely overwhelmed and don't know where to start. A few days ago, I was having one of those days. The first three things on my "to do list" were crossed off for me. That doesn't sound so bad, but it left me with nothing to do. Now, everyone knows that as a stay-at home wife and mother, there's ALWAYS something to do. I'll rephrase, it left me with nothing I wanted to do. I was going about my chores, when my 4 year old said to me, " Mommy, let's have a tea party with your tea set." I gently told her that today would not be a good day to do that. I would have to get it out and wash it up. ( My mom just gave me my old Holly Hobbie porcelain tea set that my Grandma had given me as a child.) After the words were out of my mouth, I felt the Holy Spirit telling me, "Five minutes ago, you were grumbling about not having anything to do. What was your excuse again?" So I told her, "Let's go ahead and have that tea party!" I washed up the tea set, made some hot tea and found a small box of chocolates that someone had given my husband (Shhhh!) I put the baby in his high chair and gave him his own tea cup and saucer (very masculine) and my daughter and I had our tea party. We had our version of "Oprah's Book Club" (Or what I assume it is. I've never actually seen it.) After sipping her tea, she says, "Mommy I want to tell you about a book that Daddy read to me at the library. It's called 'Underwear Does and Don'ts'." Well, now you've got my attention! I said to her, "What did it say?" She waits a couple of seconds as to build up what she's going to say and keep me on the edge of my seat and she bursts out, "Don't take your underwear to school for show 'n tell!" Hilarious laughter ensues. I'm just so thankful, that for once I listened and spent this precious, priceless time with her. In the blink of an eye this will all be gone and I truly will be left with nothing I want to do.


Unknown said...

K - had no idea YOU were a blogger. I'm a closet blogger, shhh! I like you're style. What a precious moment and so cool that you have a place to write it down. P.S. Leah gave me your link!
Cindy W.

kikipoo said...

Kara, I wish I had read your post on your blog before I answered the 2008 answer and send back. I would have been able to say the last time I cried was when I read my daughters blog entry. Thank you God for my wonderful, blessed daughter who takes the time to do the little things with her daughter that she will remember and cherish for the rest of her life. I read the rest of your entries and I think you are really good at this. Love always, Mom

Unknown said...

I often have "nothing better to do" but don't want to go to the trouble of making a mess to do something the kids want to do. This is such a neat post and a good reminder.

Big Doofus (Roger) said...

We actually have a show and tell day each Friday at work where we show off to our co-workers the things we've been working on. Thanks to this post, I'll leave out the underwear.

Wani said...

What a great moment to capture. Did you take a picture? You could scrapbook about it - like we know Sniz would do!