Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jesus Loves Me

Last weekend, we went to Pizza Hut to celebrate my sister-in-law's birthday. My sister-in-law is 16 years younger than my husband. She's 19 and... well, he's not. All of the adults were eating and our older two asked if they could go look at the jukebox. Of course, that's not what they call it because anyone born after 1985 doesn't know what a "jukebox" is. Normally we don't allow our children to run amok in public places, but the place almost empty except for one other family who had three little boys. Those three little boys were playing with our kids at the jukebox. For about ten minutes, my daughter was trying to type in a song and the boys would hit the "delete" button when she would get near the end. She let her irritation be known to everyone as is her style. But she was persistent. She kept trying and trying and still saying, "Ugh" (Charlie Brown style) each time. Finally, I went over to see what was going on. She was typing in , "Jesus Loves Me" and couldn't understand why that song wasn't in the jukebox. I really love that little girl.


Jordan H said...

Hey, wait! I know what a jukebox is and I was born in 1986 :)

Jordan H said...

It's the, uh, thing with CDs in it and it plays music, right?

My Thoughts Exactly said...

It might have CD's in it now, but it didn't used to. You see us old folks had these things called, "LP's". They were circular like a CD, and they went around and around and around.....
Anyway, I stand corrected. Anyone born after 1986, PROBABLY doesn't know what a jukebox is. :)