Monday, June 15, 2009

The Six Pack

I was in the dining room working on something when my oldest comes out of the bathroom and says to me, "Mom, you can have a 2 pack, a 4 pack, or a 6 pack. I told Jeremy that I have an 8 pack and he said 'you can't have an 8 pack' ." Here's how the rest of the conversation went:

me: "Is this something for a video game? I really have no idea what your talking about."
(At our home, we routinely begin conversations without prefacing them, just to keep everyone guessing)
OS: " No, I'm talking about muscles!" (of course)
me: "Oh, I see. Does Jeremy have a '6 pack'?"
OS: "Yeah, but so do I."
me: "Let me see."

He precedes to lift up his shirt and squish down his cute little belly. Well, let's just say, he takes after his momma and he has more of a 'case'. How do I gently tell him the news without a future therapy bill? I told him that most people don't have '6 packs' and that those who do are just really, really little or they have to do lots of exercise to get them. He stand there with an animal cracker hanging out of his mouth and starts jogging in place. Yes, son, that is precisely how one gets the '6pack' that you speak of.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

School Mascot

We were driving in a nearby town this afternoon when my daughter made a casual observation that all of the street signs were purple and had a bulldog on them. I explained to her that the bulldog was the local high school's mascot. Our children are home educated, so the concept is a little foreign. But I thought maybe they'd like to have a mascot. I asked the kids what our mascot should be. My daughter excitedly screams, "DADDY!!!"
