Well, the last of the Christmas gatherings was held today at our home. Our guests were supposed to arrive inbetween 2:30 and 3. So everyone rolled in around 4:45... These are a few things I overheard during the day....
Comments about parenting...
As we were discussing the details of a 14 year old family member who had been caught drinking..."Well, it doesn't matter what you two shove down their throat, those kids are going to do what they want to and make their own decisions about religion." Always a pleasure
Comments about the menu...from the very hard-of-hearing.....in a very loud voice...
"You know, if she'd put some instant potatoes in this soup, it'd thicken up better." Thank you
Comments about what one should get for Christmas..."Well, I really wanted the Pineapple bread, but instead I got the Chocolate Zuchinni bread. I absolutely HATE Chocolate Zuchinni Bread! The label said 'Pineapple Bread', but I opened it up and it was Chocolate Zuchinni Bread!! I really hate Chocolate Zuchinni Bread" Hey do you hate Chocolate Zuchinni Bread? By the way, how many times can we say 'Chocolate Zuchinni Bread' in one sentence. There ought to be a limit.
Comments about how one should educate their children...
"How many children are in your class?"
oldest child: "2"
"Yeah, me and her. We're homeschooled." (saying with a nonchalant tone, like everyone else in the world is and it's not a big deal)
"Do you follow any state guidelines? Do you think they'll have any trouble catching up if you put them in "regular" school? " No, I think their classmates should do just fine.
"Well, Grandma...She's reading independently at 5."
" So was I!.... .(78 years ago, sibling to 19...yes I said 19)
I felt like Clark Griswold today. Dreams of a new pool and a happy family Christmas....Jelly-of-the-month club!